One of nature and wildlife photographer Thorsten Milse's most famous photographs, this image of a jaguar was taken in the Pantanal in Mato Grosso, a large state in west-central Brazil. As Thorsten discovered, the Brazilian people sometimes refer to the animal as 'El Tigre'. Taken on a Canon EOS-1D X Mark III with a Canon EF 200-400mm f/4L IS USM Extender 1.4x lens at 560mm, 1/640 sec, f/5.6 and ISO1600. © Thorsten Milse
For more than 25 years, renowned German nature and wildlife photographer and Canon Ambassador Thorsten Milse has dedicated his time to endangered habitats and animal species. He documents what he describes as, "scenes that may not be seen in a few years or have never been seen before", always with his Canon cameras, and frequently printing the results for exhibitions and books.
More recently with his Canon EOS-1D X Mark III, Thorsten hiked a tropical rainforest in Tanzania that is home to 800 chimpanzees. "It's a magical moment when you find a group and participate in the family life and social behaviour of the chimpanzees. This photo (below left) shows how lovingly the mother treats her offspring."
Such powerful face-to-face encounters are tinged with melancholy. "If you photograph some animals in terms of species protection and know that they are the last of their kind, then you often get wistful. I know that I am documenting a special moment of this species that may not exist in 10 years," explains Thorsten.